Made by Edward Eriksen in 1913. The little mermaid was a gift to Copenhagen municipality by Carl
The little mermaid is inspired by H. C. Andersen’s fairytale “The Little Mermaid” who is willing to
sacrifice everything to be with the prince who lives on the land. Today many kids know about the
little mermaid from the disney version.
Carl Jacobsen: son of J. C. Jacobsen - The founder of Carlsberg brewery. But the son Carl Jacobsen
founded the Carlsberg Ny Carlsbergfondet, which is an art fund.
H. C. Andersen: Known and loved for his fairytales like The ugly duckling, The Princess and the Pea
the Staunch Tin Soldier. He wrote 156 fairytales in total throughout 40 years.
This sculpture has lost its head twice, and the arm once due to vandalism.
"Den Lille Havfrue 10/5 - 2022"