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On this page you will find information about the culture in Copenhagen. Here you can get information about everything from the churches around the city or the more cozy places like Nyhavn.

The beautiful Marble Church

The Marble Church

The Marble Church is a church in the parish of Frederik, with the original name The Frederik’s Church. It is located in Frederiksstaden in the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen. The church was drawn and built in the year of 1740 by the court building contractor, Nicolai Eigtved, under the reign of Frederik V. In the years from 1750-1754 there were made multiple drawings of which the Church Building Commision was not pleased with. Read more

View from the streets at The Royal Danish Theatre

The Royal Danish Theatre

Since 1748 The Royal Danish Theater has been located at Kongens Nytorv in Copenhagen. For the first couple of seasons the staff was very modest, it only consisted of 8 actors, 4 actresses, 2 male dancers and 1 female dancer. The first expansion was The Royal Chapel that became the set inhouse orchestra in 1770. Around the year of 1800 the acting staff was doubled, about 30 singers formed the Oprah choir and the number of dancers was ten-doubled. Read more

A river and resturants at Nyhavn


Ever since the age of 1600 Nyhavn has been attracting people from all over the world to the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen. Nyhavn is a waterfront in Copenhagen, which, in the beginning, was used as an occupation harbor for international business, but it quickly became a shelter for sailors that needed girls, parties and great food. Of which you can still find in Nyhavn today. The oldest house at Nyhavn has not changed since 1681 and the sidewalk in front of the house still consists of bald and lumpy tiles from the very beginning of Nyhavn. Read more