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Nyhavn illustration


Ever since the age of 1600 Nyhavn has been attracting people from all over the world to the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen. Nyhavn is a waterfront in Copenhagen, which, in the beginning, was used as an occupation harbor for international business, but it quickly became a shelter for sailors that needed girls, parties and great food. Of which you can still find in Nyhavn today. The oldest house at Nyhavn has not changed since 1681 and the sidewalk in front of the house still consists of bald and lumpy tiles from the very beginning of Nyhavn. Nyhavn has multiple very popular restaurants with a lot of variation from different cuisines to choose from. Some of the restaurants are places at house boats both with serving in- and outdoor. By many people Nyhavn is known for its beautiful, colorful, old building with sunshine, drinks and a cozy atmosphere, as the Danish word “hygge” describes it the best.

"Find håndplukkede restauranter i Nyhavn... 11/5 - 2022"

Nyhavn factroll
A river and resturants at Nyhavn The start of Nyhavn with beautiful coloured houses The beautiful coloured houses at Nyhavn A river and resturants at Nyhavn Ticket merchant for the canal tours for copenhagen A sign of Nyhavn at a resturant

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